The commonly used cmd command
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| go to the directory --for example : cd\blog\source other function go to the next level of directory
2.del detele directory or file
3.echo.2> create new file
4. md create new directory
5.rename a file or directory rename
6.type print file content
7.ctrl+c stops the current command
8.cls clear current stament
9.command/? show help for command for example :find/? find "am"
10.copy a file for example: copy --
11.copy string string selected+enter=copy to the clipboard right-click mouse=paste
12.move move [filepath] [filepath] move file to flie ,for example:liming.png png
configration cmd
1.Establish a configration file and name it cmd.cmd,enter the following.
move the file to a directory (c:\windows)
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| @echo off cls echo Microsoft Windows XP Professional [版本 5.1.2600.2180] echo (C)版权所有 MY XP [20010-2020] echo ================================================================================ echo 现在是: echo _ooOoo_ echo o8888888o echo 88" . "88 echo ^(^| ^-^_^- ^|^) echo O\ = /O echo ____/`---'\____ echo ^.^' \\^| ^|// `. echo / \\^|^|^| : ^|^|^|// \ echo / _^|^|^|^|^| -:- ^|^|^|^|^|- \ echo ^| ^| \\\ - /// ^| ^| echo ^| \_^| ''\---/'' ^| ^| echo \ .-\__ `-` ___/-. / echo ___`. .' /--.--\ `. . __ echo ."" '^< `.___\_^<^|^>_/___.' ^>'"". echo ^| ^| : `- \`.;`\ _ /`;.`/ - ` : ^| ^| echo \ \ `-. \_ __\ /__ _/ .-` / / echo ======`-.____`-.___^\_____^/___.-`____.-'====== echo `=---=' echo 佛祖保佑 天才明帅 永无BUG echo ================================================================================ title cmd color 00 @echo on
step 2 modify the registeration information table
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| 1.Locate the path 计算机\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Command Processor 2.add the string variable autorun and set the value %systemroot%/cmd.cmd